HFY-NL2 localizes to inhibitory synapses in transgenic mouse brain. Brain sections from perfused adult Thy1-HFY-NL2 mice were imaged for HFY-NL2 using the unamplified YFP signal and co-labeled for the nuclear marker DAPI and the inhibitory postsynaptic scaffold gephyrin. A, the large inhibitory synapses in the ventrolateral basal ganglia exhibit clear colocalization of HFY-NL2 with gephyrin. A minority of neurons (asterisk) do not express the transgene. B, HFY-NL2 colocalized well with gephyrin and overlapped with synapsin, a general presynaptic marker, in the hippocampal CA3 region stratum radiatum (sr), straum pyramidale (sp), and stratum oriens (so). Short strings of HFY-NL2 puncta at the border of stratum pyramidale and oriens likely correspond to axon initial segment synapses (arrowhead). In stratum lucidum (sl), the large mossy fiber glutamatergic synapses immunopositive for synapsin lacked HFY-NL2 or gephyrin. C, HFY-NL2 puncta detected with anti-GFP antibody overlapped with the GABAergic presynaptic marker GAD65, as shown here in the amygdala. Scale bars, 10 μm in the main panels, 5 μm in the enlarged regions.