Global kinome analysis of THP-1 cells infected with M. tuberculosis and ΔptpA M. tuberculosis. Simultaneous detection of selected host proteins and their activation status using a multiple immunoblotting technique are shown. Accurate intensity values for each protein are the accumulated signal obtained over a given scan time for each blot. These are shown as numerical values in Table 5. The three gels represent uninfected THP-1 cells (A), THP-1 cells infected with M. tuberculosis (B), and THP-1 cells infected with ΔptpA M. tuberculosis (C). Each lane was probed with one or more antibodies. The highlighted proteins are host signaling proteins showing a phosphorylation change greater than 25%. Antibodies against the phosphorylated proteins were as follows: lane 1, molecular size standard; lane 2, NR1 (Ser896); lane 3, PKR1 (Thr451); lane 4, STAT5A (Tyr694); lane 5, PKCα (Ser657) and SRC (Tyr418); lane 6, JNK (Thr183 + Tyr185) and RSK1/3 (Thr359 + Ser363/Thr356 + Ser360); lane 7, MEK3/6 (Ser189/Ser207) and PKCα/β2 (Thr638 + Thr641); lane 8, ERK1 (Thr202 + Tyr204), ERK2 (Thr185 + Tyr187), S6Kα P70 (Thr389), and S6Kα P85 (Thr389); lane 9, PKCϵ (Ser729) and SMAD1/5/9 (Ser463 + Ser363/Ser463 + Ser465/Ser465 + Ser467); lane 10, STAT3 (Ser727); lane 11, JUN (Ser73); lane 12, RAF1 (Ser259), STAT1α (Tyr701), and STAT1β (Tyr701); lane 13, PKBα (Akt1) (Thr308) and PKCδ (Thr507); lane 14, PKBα (Akt1) (Ser473); lane 15, GSK3α (Ser21), GSK3β (Ser9), and MSK1 (Ser376); lane 16, adducin α (Ser726), adducin γ (Ser693), CDK1/2 (Tyr15), and SRC (Tyr529); lane 17, GSK3α (Tyr279) and GSK3β (Tyr216); lane 18, p38α MAPK (Thr180 + Tyr182) and RB (Ser780); lane 19, NPM (Ser4), and MEK1/2 (Ser218 + Ser222); and lane 20, CREB1 (Ser133) and RB (Ser807 + Ser811).