Histamine H1 receptor antagonists prevent calcium mobilization elicited by histamine, but not thapsigargin, in HUVECs. A–I, representative [Ca2+]i responses to 10 μm histamine or 2 μm TG were recorded from HUVECs under control (A–C, n = 40, 35, and 51 cells, respectively), treated with either 30 μm diphenhydramine (Dip, D–E, n = 40, 48, and 32 cells, respectively) or 30 μm fexofenadine (FEX, G–I, n = 39, 46, and 39 cells, respectively). J–L, peak and sustained [Ca2+]i values were averaged from control, Dip-treated, and FEX-treated cells for comparison. *: p < 0.01 compared with control.