Figure 2.
Flow-induced whole-cell current in HEK293 cells coexpressing TRPV4, TRPC1, and TRPP2. A, B) Representative time course of flow-stimulated, whole-cell current at ±80 mV. Horizontal line at the top of the traces indicates the period of laminar flow. C) I–V curve for cells in panel A before (resting) and after flow. D) Summary data showing the maximum increase in flow-induced, whole-cell cation currents at ±80 mV. Control was coexpressed with TRPV4, TRPC1 and TRPP2 (V4+C1+P2). For others, TRPV4 was replaced with TRPV4M680D (V4M680D+C1+P2); TRPC1 with TRPC1mut-pore or TRPC1Δ567–793 (V4+P2+C1mut-pore or V4+ P2+C1Δ567–793); and TRPP2 with TRPP2R636G or TRPP2D511V (V4+C1+P2R636G or V4+C1+ P2D511V). Means ± se (n=3 transfection experiments, 7–9 cells per experiments). *P < 0.01 vs. resting (C) or V4+C1+P2 (D).