Fig. 8.
PAE9 releases acetate in vitro from pae9 pectin fractions. a Percentage acetate released from pectin fraction (I–V) and Amorphophallus konjac acetylated glucomannan by heterologously expressed PAE9. Alkali would release 100 % of acetate in those fractions. Pectic fractions were generated from three independent pae9-1 biological replicates. The same protein content was used for PAE9 and EV activity assays. Asterisk indicates significant differences based on t test (P < 0.015; n = 3); EV protein extracts purified from tobacco plants transformed with an empty vector; PAE9 protein extract purified from tobacco plants transformed with PAE9:6XHIS. b Western blot showing the presence of PAE9 protein (~55 kDa) derived from tobacco plants transformed with the PAE9:6XHIS construct. EV native protein extracts purified from tobacco plants transformed with an empty vector. Marker Magic MarkerTM XP (Life Technologies)