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. 2014 Sep 26;5:4919. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5919

Table 1. X-ray data collection and refinement statistics.

  HsNMT2-NHM HsNMT1-Myr-CoA HsNMT1-Myr-CoA-1
PDB accession code 4C2X 4C2Y 4C2Z
Data collection
 Cell dimensions (Å) a, b, c 49.70, 72.32, 114.69 78.74, 178.48, 58.55 78.63, 179.12, 58.59
 Space group P212121 P21212 P21212
 Resolution (Å)* 57–2.33 (2.41–2.33)* 72–1.64 (1.67–1.64) 89–2.08 (2.14–2.08)
Rsym (%) 6.1 (64.4) 7.0 (70.6) 15.0 (68.6)
I/σI 15.2 (2.8) 17.7 (2.4) 12.9 (3.4)
 Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.9) 98.2 (85.0) 100 (100)
 Redundancy 6.3 (6.6) 7.1 (6.0) 7.1 (7.1)
 CC1/2 1.0 (0.84) 1.0 (0.75) 1.0 (0.85)
 No. of unique reflections 18,414 98,990 50,468
Rwork/Rfree 21.8/28.8 17.0/22.1 16.9/23.8
 No. of atoms 3,345 7,569 7,221
  Protein 3,212 6,571 6,434
  Ligand NA NA 64
  Co-factor 64 126 126
  Water 68 802 537
 B-factors (Å2)
  All atoms 54.4 22.0 25.9
  Protein 54.5 20.9 25.3
  Ligand NA NA 41.2/78.6
  Co-factor 45.2 15.7 18.7
  Water 49.5 30.0 29.9
  Bond lengths (Å) 0.013 0.021 0.023
  Bond angles (°) 1.672 2.230 2.283

NA, not applicable; PDB, protein database.

*Highest resolution shell is shown in parentheses.

Pearson correlation coefficient between two random half-data sets68.

B-factor for ligand in chain A/chain B.

§r.m.s.d. of bond lengths or bond angles from ideal geometry.