Figure 3. Suppression of PIF activity by X is required to repress hypocotyl elongation at high fluence rates.
(a) Comparison of 17 °C experimental data with model I and model II simulation. (b) Fluence rate response curve measuring hypocotyl elongation of 7-day-old WT and hy5 seedlings grown under continuous red light at 17 °C and 27 °C. Sample number >20, error bars represent s.e.m. (c) Quantification of HY5-HA protein levels relative to RPN10 in seedlings grown at indicated temperatures and fluence rates. Error bars represent s.e.m., n=3. (d) Diagram of coherent feed-forward motif at 17 °C. (e) Temperature dependency of Model II. Experimental data at 27 °C (red triangles), simulation data at 27 °C with temperature dependency (X, red solid line: X and all other temperature-dependent parameters, red-dashed line).