Figure 5. PpPPR_67 and PpPPR_104 KO mosses.
(A) Schematic structure of PpPPR_67 and 104 KO loci. The nptII cassette was inserted into the 5th exon of PpPPR_67 and the 4th exon of PpPPR_104. (B) Detection of PpPPR_67 and 104 transcripts by RT-PCR. (C) Two-week-old protonemata colonies of the PpPPR_67 KO line (Δ67) and the PpPPR_104 KO line (Δ104). Scale bars = 5 mm. (D) Steady-state levels of chloroplast (chl) tRNAArg isoacceptors with different anticodons, chl tRNAPhe (GAA) and mitochondrial (mit) tRNACys (GCA).