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. 2014 May 2;4(11):2263–2277. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1092

Table 2.

The different speciation modes that have been incorporated into neutral models

Speciation Mode Synopsis References
Point mutation Speciation whereby each individual in the metacommunity has an equal probability of producing an offspring of a new species. Produces many rare species with lifetimes unrealistically short Hubbell (2001)
Random fission Speciation occurs through a population randomly dividing into two distinct species. Produces species with lifetimes unrealistically long Hubbell and Lake (2003), Hubbell (2005), Etienne and Haegeman (2011)
Peripheral isolate Divergence follows the isolation of populations. Newly arisen species have abundances drawn from a normal distribution Hubbell and Lake (2003), Hubbell (2005)
Generalized speciation A generalized neutral community model incorporating numerous modes Haegeman and Etienne (2009)
Protracted speciation Speciation is a gradual, drawn out process. Results in a new predicted metacommunity SAD (termed the “difference logseries”) Rosindell et al. (2010)