Figure 4. Phylogenies of long and short sPCP coding sequences (excluding introns) from four dinoflagellate orders.
(A) Most parsimonious tree for long sPCP CDS data from the Suessiales, Gonyaulacales and Gynnodiniales. (B) Most parsimonious tree for short sPCP CDS from the Suessiales and Peridiniales. Branch lengths are shown above the branches. Support values >50% based on +1000 bootstrap trees are shown in parentheses below branches. Double inverted triangles = the long sPCP branch leading to Symbiodinium clade B sequences, each of which contained two introns. Single inverted triangle = the short sPCP branch for the S. microadriaticum sequence that had a single intron. (C) Long sPCP tree redrawn to indicate possibility of ancient introns present in the most recent common ancestor of Suessiales, Gonyaulacales and Gynnodiniales. Vertical bar = loss of an intron on an ascending branch required to explain the data. (D) Short sPCP tree redrawn to indicate possibility of an ancient intron present in the most recent common ancestor of Suessiales and Peridinales. Required losses on ascending branches are indicated as before.