Let i = 0. Start from the k-resolution chain. Collect samples from fk (θ, Y{k} | Y) using any combination of local updating algorithms.
Discard some initial samples as burn-in, and retain the remaining samples as the empirical distribution of (Y{k}, θ) from fk (θ, Y{k} | Y).
Let i ← i + 1. Start the (k+i)-resolution chain. Initialize the chain to a state (
, θold).
With probability 1 − p, perform a local update step to generate a new sample from fk+i (θ, Y{k+i} | Y), using any combination of local updates.
With probability p, perform a cross-resolution move:
Randomly select a state (
, θtrial) from the empirical distribution of the (k+i-1)-chain.
Augment (
, θtrial) to (
, θtrial) by generating additional missing data values.
With a Metropolis-Hasting type probability r, accept (
, θtrial) as the next sample in the chain; with probability 1 − r, keep the previous values of (
, θold) as the next sample in the chain.
Rename the most recent draw as (
, θold), and repeat from Step 4 until a desired number of samples are achieved (typically determined in part by monitoring the chain for sufficient evidence of convergence).
Discard some initial samples of the chain as burn-in, and retain the remaining samples to form an empirical distribution of (Y{k+i}, θ) from fk+i (θ, Y{k+i} | Y). If a finer approximation to the SDE is desired, repeat from Step 3.