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. 2014 Aug 6;4(3):88–102. doi: 10.4161/bioa.29766

Table 1. Abnormalities in NM II ablated or mutated mice.

Mouse Models Lethality Placenta Heart Brain Others
A-/A- (ref. 14) E6.5       Disorganized visceral endoderm
AK5/AK5 (ref. 26)
(Keratin 5-Cre)
E9.5 to E13.5 Reduced labyrinth vascularization     Hyperproliferative epidermis
APod/APod (ref. 96)
Adult       Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
APf4/APf4 (ref. 79)
(Platelet Factor 4-Cre)
Adult       Macrothrombocytopenia
B-/B- (refs. 19, 27, 35, 38) E14.5 No placenta defects Reduced compact myocardium, Defective cardiac myocyte cytokinesis, VSD, DORV Hydrocephalus, Defects in neuronal migration, Disrupted neuroepithelial cell-cell adhesion  
BαMHC/BαMHC (ref. 40)
Adult   Cardiomyopathy, Disruption of intercalated discs    
BNest/BNest (ref. 40)
P14     Hydrocephalus, Defects in neuronal migration, Disrupted neuroepithelial cell-cell adhesion  
BDdx4/BDdx4 (ref. 97)
(Germ Cell Ddx4-Cre)
Adult       Male germ cell cytokinesis defects
C-/C- (ref. 36) Adult       No obvious defects
B-C-/B-C- (ref. 36) E14.5   Reduced compact myocardium, Defective cardiac myocyte karyokinesis, VSD, DORV Hydrocephalus, Defects in neuronal migration, Disrupted neuroepithelial cell-cell adhesion  
Ba*/Ba* (ref. 20)
(NM II-A replacing for II-B)
E16.5   Defective cardiac myocyte cytokinesis, VSD, DORV, (milder than B-/B- hearts) Defects in neuronal migration, No hydrocephalus  
Ab*/Ab* (ref. 15)
(NM II-B replacing for II-A)
E9.5 to E10.5 Reduced labyrinth vascularization     Normal visceral endoderm
Aba/Aba (ref. 15)
(NM II-B head/II-A rod chimera replacing for II-A)
E9.5 to E10.5 Reduced labyrinth vascularization     Normal visceral endoderm
Aab/Aab (ref. 15)
(NM II-A-head/II-B-rod chimera replacing for II-A)
E10.5 to E11.5 Reduced labyrinth vascularization     Normal visceral endoderm
A+/AR709C (refs. 17 and 73) Adult       Macrothrombocytopenia, Cataract, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
AR709C/AR709C (ref. 17) E10.5 to E11.5 Reduced labyrinth vascularization     Normal visceral endoderm
A+/AD1424N (ref. 17) AD1424N/AD1424N (ref. 17) Adult       Macrothrombocytopenia, Cataract, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
A+/AE1841K (ref. 17)
AE1841K/AE1841K (ref. 17)
Adult       Macrothrombocytopenia, Cataract, Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
B+/BR709C (ref. 43) Adult       Diaphragmatic and umbilical hernia
BR709C/BR709C (ref. 43) E14.5 to E16.5   Reduced compact myocardium,ASD, VSD, DORV, No defects in cytokinesis Defects in neuronal migration, No hydrocephalus Major midline fusion defects: cleft palate, split lower sternum, large omphalocele