Figure 3.
Fear conditioning with photostimulation of auditory synaptic input in LA. (A) Diagram of experimental strategy. During training, photostimulation of ChR2-expressing axons and terminals in the LA was presented as a CS and was followed by a footshock that served as a US. After 24 h, retention was tested by giving mice photostimulation alone in a context-shifted chamber. Stimulus parameters during training and retention are shown (inset; see Materials and Methods for details). (B) ChR2-paired group (n = 14) showed robust freezing in response to presentation of the optogenetic CS compared with pre-CS, while the control GFP-paired group (n = 8) did not. The ChR2-CS only group (n = 4), in which the US was not presented during training, did not show any freezing during either training or retention testing. ChR2-expressing mice trained with an unpaired protocol (n = 6) failed to evince significant freezing in response to presentation of the optogenetic CS compared with the pre-CS. (C) Mice in the ChR2-paired group were reclassified into two groups, Success (n = 10) and fail (n = 4), based on the criterion of 30% CS-induced freezing. (D) The correlation between fluorescent intensity in LA and freezing responses was analyzed in the Success (red symbols) and Fail (black symbols) groups. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (***) P < 0.001. (ACp) auditory cortical projection, (MGp) medial geniculate projection, (LAn) LA neuron.