Fig. 2. Exchange rate-dependent CESL sensitivity as a function of off-resonance irradiation power and duration.
SLRasym as a function of ω1 and tirrad was simulated from CEAPA solutions for exchange rate k = 100 s−1 (A), 1500 s−1 (B), and 5000 s−1 (C), where the color bar is in units of % of S0. The ratio of SLRasym to MTRasym (D) is nearly identical for all three exchange rates. Other parameters used were R1 = 0.35 s−1, R2 = 25 s −1, PS = 0.001, and offset frequency δ = 400 Hz. Faster CE-sensitive contrast is optimal at a higher irradiation power and shorter duration (red region in C). ω1: off-resonance irradiation power; tirad: off-resonance irradiation time.