Fig 5. Long-term and short-term repopulating ability is decreased in the absence of Ssbp2.
A.Ssbp2−/− BM cells do not reconstitute at a 1:1 donor-to-competitor ratio. Short-term engraftment (4 weeks) results as determined with CD45.2-expressing cells in BM and peripheral blood are depicted. Data represent mean ± S.D. from 5 recipient mice. B. Reduced frequency of Ssbp2−/− BM donor cells in peripheral blood of recipients transplanted at a donor-to-competitor ratio of 10:1. Engraftment analyses were performed at 4 weeks (short term) and 16 weeks (long-term) after transplantation. Data represent mean ± S.D. from one of two experiments each with 5 mice per genotype.*p<0.05) as determined by unpaired two-tailed t-test between WT and Ssbp2−/− mice. C. Contribution to all the peripheral blood lineages is compromised in the absence of Ssbp2. Representative analysis showing % CD45.1 and CD45.2 populations within granulocyte(Gr1+), macrophage (Mac1+), B lymphocyte (B220+) and T lymphocyte (CD3+), in the peripheral blood from Ssbp2−/− BM recipients 16 weeks after transplantation.