Fig. 4.
Sensitivity to ADV. (a) HepG2 cells were transiently transfected with HBV constructs as indicated. ADV was added to the culture medium at different concentrations as indicated. Replicative intermediates of HBV were determined as a measure of HBV replication. One representative experiment is shown. (b) Quantification of HBV replicative intermediates after incubation with 1 and 10 µM ADV. Means and sd are based on three independent experiments; values are given relative to incubation without ADV. (c) Quantification of extracellular HBV virions from supernatant 4 days after transient transfection of HBV constructs and after PEG precipitation of secreted virions; values are given relative to incubation without ADV. RC, Relaxed circular; RI, replicative intermediates.