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. 2014 Apr 3;11(3):132–142. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v11i3.20

Table 1.

Plants and uses.

Botanical Name Local
Family Name Habit Parts Used NTFP's Uses Medicinal Uses Recipes Route
Achillea millefolium Sounfi buti Compositae Herb Whole Medicinal, Antipyretic, gastroinstestinal The whole plant is first mashed and then boiled in milk to Oral
L. plant fodder, cosmetics and extract different therapeutic compounds and decoction is
and dye diabetes used as remedy in severe fever and constipation
Adiantum incisum Kakhpai Adiantaceae Herb Whole Medicinal and Respiratory Infusion is made in water and is taken Oral for treating Oral
Forsk. plant fodder problems, antipyretic disorders.
and gynea
Agrimonia eupatoria Kanachika Rosaceae Herb Leaves Dye ------ ------
Ajuga bracteosa
Ratti butti Lamiaceae Herb Whole
Medicinal Antipyretic and
Leaf paste is used Oral to relief fever and constipation Oral
Althaea rosea (L) Gul-e-khaira Malvaceae Herb Roots Medicinal Hepatitis, gastrointestinal, Roots are dip in new earthen pot for whole night. In the Oral
Cav. liver,
kidney problems
following morning the water juice is drunk for kidney and
other problems
Androsace Kounki Primalaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal Urinary infections The leaves are crushed and the paste of the leaves is taken Oral
rotundifolia Y Nasir. butti along water.
Angelica glauca
Chora Apiaceae Herb Roots Ethno-veterinary Gastro-intestinal Powdered roots are taken with milk for
Gastro-intestinal disorders.
Aquilegia pubiflora Phool Rananculaceae Herb Stem Medicinal and Ulcer, Gynea Paste is prepared in water and used for skin infection Dermal/Oral
Wal.ex.Royle. fodder externally and Oral with milk to treat ulcer and gynea
Arisaema flavum Adbis Araceae Herb Root and Medicinal, ethno-veterinary Skin The root and stem paste is externally applied on skin Dermal
(Forssk) Schott. stem and
Arisaema Adbis Araceae Herb Fruit Insecticide and Antipyretic Fruit is poisonous and used as insecticide. Very small Oral
jacquemontii medicinal quantity is used during meal for relieving fever.
Arisaema ringens Cobra plant Araceae Tree Whole Medicinal Pain relief ----- Oral
Artemisia fragrans
Chaoo Asteraceae Herb Leaves Medicinal Antipyretic and skin
Juice of fresh leaves mixed with brown sugar and given
Oral in fever and skin disease
Berberis lyceum Sunmbal Berberidaceae Spiny Leaves, Medicinal, ethno-veterinary Gastro-intestinal, The paste of root bark is externally applied on wounds. Dermal/Oral
Royle. Shrub fruits, bark fodder diabetes, wounds Crushed bark is soaked in water and the resultant extract
and roots and dye is taken early morning to treat diabetes and Gastrointestinal
disorders. Leaves are used as fodder.
Bergenia ciliata But phay Saxifragaceae Herb Roots Medicinal, fodder Digestive disorders, Roots are dried in sunshine and then grind to make Oral
(Haw) Sternb. and cosmetics Diabetes powder. Half tea spoon of this powder in the following
morning is taken along desi ghee to treat digestive and
diabetic problems
amplexicaulis D.Don
Masloon Polygonaceae Herb Leaves
and roots
Medicinal and
disorders, gastrointestinal
Powder mixed with little salt is used for treatment of
various disorders.
Canabis sativa L. Bhangh Cannabinaceae Herb Leaves & Medicinal, Antispasmodic The leaves are antispasmodic, narcotic. They are boiled Dermal
branches narcotic and and the warmed leaves are tied over the affected parts
handicraft of the body for the treatment of spasm.
Chenopodium album Sarmay Chenopodiaceae Herb Leaves Vegetable and Anthelmentic Leaves are cooked and taken to expel worms Oral
L. medicinal
Leucanthemum Linn
Euphorbiaceae Herb Whole
handicraft and
Clematis grata Wall. Bilri Ranunculaceae Herb Whole
Fodder ------- Whole plant is used as fodder Oral
Coptis tecta Wall. Mamera Mimosaceae Herb Whole
Medicinal Eye infections ------- Eyes
Dispacus inermis
Tandi Dispaceae Herb Leaves Vegetable ------- Leaves are cooked and used as vegetable Oral
Dryopteris ramose Pakha Aspidiaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal, fodder Vegetable Young leaves are collected between March-May and dry Oral
(Hope) C. Chir. and vegetable constipation and
to make powder and mix with milk and used again
Euphorbia wallichii Hirvy Euphorbiaceae Herb Whole Medicinal and Skin diseases For the treatment of eczema, equal quantity of the plant Dermal
Hook f. plant fodder with Cuscuta reflexa is made into paste and applied on
the affected parts twice a day.
Frageria nubicola Pinjakha Rosaceae Herb Leaves, Medicinal, fodder Anti-inflammatory, Fruit juice extracted and believed to cure gastro-intestinal Oral
Lindl ex Lacaita. seeds and and vegetable gastro-intestinal and problems
fruits Diuretic
Gallium aparine L. Kochan Rubiaceae Herb Whole Medicinal and Gastro-intestinal, Juice is extracted from the whole plant and is used for Oral
plant fodder antipyretic and
different ailments.
Gentiana kurroo Nile kanth Gentianaceae Herb Roots Medicinal and For stomach pain and Roots are taken and dried in sunshine to make powder Oral
Royle. vegetable urinary infections and taken along desi ghee to cure different infections
Geranium Ratunjot Geraniaceae Herb Roots Medicinal, Joints pain The roots are dried and grinded, sugar and milk are added Oral
wallichianum D. vegetable and in it, and it is used for pain in joints.
Don ex sweet. fodder
Glycyrrhiza glabra Mullathi Papilionaceae Herb Roots Medicinal Gastro-intestinal The aqueous extract from boiled roots is taken Oral to Oral
Waldst and Kit. treat abdominal pain.
Hedera nepalensis Albumber Araliaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal, ethno-veterinary Diabetes The dried branches and leaves are grinded and the powder Oral
K. Koch(Syn:H.helix
veterinary and
is used early in the morning with water against diabetes
Impatien bicolor Batmandar Balsaminaceae Herb Seeds and Medicinal and Antipyretic and Paste of leaves is prepared and with sugar used against Oral
Royle leaves fodder diuretic fever and urinary infection
Leucanthemum Margue rite Asteraceae Herb Whole Fodder ------
vulgare Lam. plant
Mentha arvenses L. Chita Labiateae Herb Leaves Medicinal and Vomiting and Dried leaves are taken Oral to stop vomiting. Its leaves Oral
podina ethno-veterinary stomach problems are added in green tea and used for digestive problems
and cholera.
Mentha longifolia L. Gangli
Labiateae Herb Leaves Medicinal and
Leaves of Mentha longifolia, young fruits of
Zanthoxylum alatumare grinded with seeds of Punica
granatum, and green chilies to make “Chatni” which is
used to treat gastro-intestinal problems
Morchella esculenta
Gucchhi Morchellaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal Tonic Locally the morels are fried with cows ghee
and used after meal which is considered as a general
body tonic.
Nepeta leavigata Muskbal Lamiaceae Herb Leaves fodder Used as fodder Oral
(D.Don) Hand. -
Oxalis debilis L Teenpatra Oxalidaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal Skin, antipyretic, The leaves of the plant are crushed and the extract is used Oral
asthma, anti-diabetic
and Anthelmentic
Oral against fever and diabetes
Paeonia emodi Wall.
Ex Royle.
Mameikh Paeoniaceae Herb Roots Medicinal, ethno-veterinary
Backache, antipyretic
and epilepsy
Roots are dried and their taken along sweet dishes to cure
Podophyllum Bankakri Berberidacea Herb Fruit & Medicinal Stomach and liver Highly poisonous but expert healers use it in little amount Oral
hexandrum Royle. seeds disorders to cure stomach and liver disorders
Polygonum Musloon Polygonaceae Herb Roots Medicinal, fodder Antipyretic Roots and flowers are crushed to obtained juice and taken Oral
amplexicaul D. Don. and vegetable Oral with sugar to reduce fever
Pronella vulgaris L Na Lamiaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal and Anti-inflammatory Both fresh and dry leaves are used against inflammation Dermal
Ranunculus Rat mondia Rananculaceae Herb Leaves Fodder It is used as fodder. Oral
muricatus L
Rheum webbianum Chutiyal Polygonaceae Herb Roots Medicinal Healing internal Rhizomes are cooked and eat to cure internal wounds Oral
Royle. wounds
Rubdosia longituba Boi Lamiaceae Herb Roots Medicinal and Ear and nose ------ Ear and
fodder infections nose
Rumex dentatus Khatimble Polygonaceae Herb Leaves &
Medicinal and
Healing wounds and
The extract of the leaves is used as antiseptic against
wounds. Leaves are grinded and used against jaundice
Rumex nepalensis
Hoola Polygonaceae Herb Leaves Medicinal Healing wounds The extract of the leaves is used as antiseptic against
Senecio salignus DC Chita ula Asteraceae Herb Leaves, Medicinal, ethno-veterinary Anti-inflammatory Crushed leaves and roots are taken along milk to cure Oral
roots, veterinary and and gastro-intestinal gastro-intestinal diseases
seeds and fodder
Solanum nigrum L. Katch Solanaceae Herb Roots, Medicinal Gastro-intestinal Leaves and fruits are cooked and used against abdominal Oral
mach leaves and swellings and stomach-ache.
Swertia chirata Charieta Apiaceae Herb leaves Medicinal Antipyretic, skin The leaves are grinded and the paste is dissolved in water Oral/Dermal
Buch. diseases along with some brown sugar and is used against fever
especially malaria.
Urtica dioka L Bichu boti Urticaceae Herb leaves and Medicinal, ethno-veterinary Astringent and Decoction of the plant is astringent and anthelmentic. Oral
roots veterinary and anthelmentic Leaves cause severe irritation which can be soothed by
vegetable rubbing leaves of Rumex.
Valeriana jatamansi
Mushkebala Velerianaceae Herb Roots Medicinal and
Antipyretic and Skin
Decoction of roots is prepared and used again fever and
externally for skin
Viola canescens
Pholala Velerianaceae Herb Leaves &
Medicinal, fodder
and vegetable
Cough and
respiratory problems
The leaves paste is mixed with brown sugar to be used
against cough, cold and other respiratory problems.
Viola serpens Wall. Banafsha Violaceae Herb Leaves
Medicinal Cooling agent Flowers and Leaves are boiled in water for one hour. One
cup of this decoction is used three times in a day to
reduce body weakness and provide cooling effect
armatum DC.
Timber Rutaceae Tree Fruit &
Medicinal, ethno-veterinary,
vegetable and
Antipyretic, Gastrointestinal
and dental
Young fruits are grinded with seeds of Punica granatum,
leaves of Mentha longifolia and green chilies to make
“Chatni”. Its fruits are highly carminative and also used
against stomach-ach. Young branches are used as
“Miswak” just like toothbrush.