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. 2014 Apr 3;11(3):239–247. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v11i3.34

Table 1.

List of plants used as folk biomedicine by the Rongmei tribe of Charoi Chagotlong, Tupul, Tamenglong district of Manipur

Name of the Plant
Life form Name of the Plant (English) Scientific Name Family Parts Uses
1. Okhidak Herb Sweet flag Acorus calamus Acoraceae Rhizome Rhizome extract used in severe cough and chest congestion.
2. Nongmangkha
Shrub Malabar nut Adhatoda vasica Acanthaceae Leaves,
Leaves used in jaundice and muscular pains, flowers in asthma and bronchitis, leaf
juice in diarrhoea and dysentery.
3. Chanam Bulb Garlic Allium sativum Amaryllidaceae Bulb Extract of bulb mixed with mustard oil is applied to chest, throat in case of cough
and other chest complaints, juice used for skin troubles.
4. Theibong Tree Jack fruit Artocarpus integrifolia Moraceae Roots Used in diarrhoea.
5. Heinoujom Tree Carambola Averrhoea carambola Oxalidaceae Fruit Fruit extract given in jaundice and unripe fruits in bleeding piles.
6. Chingthrao angouba Shrub White bauhinia Bauhinia acuminata Fabaceae Leaves, bark Decoction of bark or leaves is useful in leprosy, asthma
7. Chingthrao
Shrub Pink bauhinia Bauhinia purpurea Fabaceae Bark Bark extract is used in insect bite, leprosy and irregular menstruation.
8. Torbot Climber Ash gourd Benincasa hispida Cucurbitaceae Fruit Boiled extract of fruit given in stomach ulcers and jaundice.
9. Tera Tree Silk cotton tree Bombax malabaricum Malvaceae Flowers Crushed flowers applied to snake bites.
10. Pang gong Tree Flame of the forest Butea monosperma Leguminasae Bark, leaves Leaves are tonic, bark used in snake bite.
11. Mairongbi Shrub Red gram Cajanus cajan Fabaceae Seeds Used in snake bite.
12. Ganja Herb True hemp Cannabis sativa Cannabaceae Leaves Diarrhoea and dysentery
13. Awathabi Tree Papaya Carica papaya Caricaceae Fruit Constipation, abdominal disorders and dysentery
14. Perook Herb Indian penny wort Centella asiatica Mackinlayaceae Whole plant Fresh plant juice with honey given in ulcer and urinary troubles
15. Tejpat Tree Indian cassia Cinnamomum tamala Lauraceae Bark, leaves Used in diarrhoea and snake bite
16. Ushingsha Tree Cinnamon Cinnamomum
Lauraceae Leaves, bark Boiled leaf extract given in cough, bark given in cold and vomiting.
17. Yaingang Herb Turmeric Cucurma domestica Zingiberaceae Rhizome Applied to wounds and skin infections
18. Noongai yensil Herb Desmodium
Leguminasae Whole plant Plant decoction used for urinary troubles due to stones
19. Haa angouba Tuber Asiatic yam / Purple yam Dioscorea alata Dioscoreaceae Tubers Leprosy and piles
20. Lam haa Vine Potato yam Dioscorea bulbifera Dioscoreaceae Tubers Dried tubers are ponded and applied to ulcers.
21. Haa angangba Vine Red potato yam Dioscorea pentaphylla Dioscoreaceae Tubers Tubers can cooked in Swellings
22. khanggra Tree English gurjun tree Dipterocarpus
Dipterocarpaceae Trunk Oleoresin from trunk is an antiseptic and applied to ulcers
23. Chorphon Shrub Olive Elaeocarpus floribundus Oleaceae Bark, leaves Infusion of bark and leaves is used as mouth wash in inflamed gums
24. Awa phadigom Herb False coriander Eryngium foetidum Umbelliferae Leaf, Roots Leaf used in high blood pressure
Roots used in stomach trouble
25. Jaam Tree Java plum Eugenia jambolana Myrtaceae Bark Decoction of bark used in diarrhoea and dysentery
26. Tengnou Succulent Antique Euphorbia Euphorbia antiquarum Euphorbiaceae Stem Stem decoction used in gout
27. Khongnang Shrub Ficus retusa Moraceae Leaves Powdered dry leaves applied in headache
28. Tera paibi Herb Hill Gynura Gynura cusimba Asteraceae Stem, leaf Stem and leaf juice applied to fresh wounds for stopping blood
29. Takhellei angouba Herb Common ginger lily Hedychium coronarium Koenigex Zingiberaceae Leaves Leaf decoction used as gargle in throat complaints
30. Takhellei angangba Herb Ginger Lily Hedychium marginatum Zingiberaceae Rhizome Decoction of rhizome given in stomach complaints
31. Tokningkhok Herb lizard tail, chameleon plant, heartleaf,
fishwort and bishop's weed
Houttuynia cordata Saururaceae Leaves Used for dysentery and eye troubles
32. heijuga Tree walnut Juglans regia Juglandaceae Seed Seed kernel after removing brown skin used in improving memory
33. Namthibi Shrub Lantana Lantana camara Verbenaceae Leaves Leaf extract applied to injuries to stop bleeding, mixed with honey given in fever
34. Heinou Tree Mango Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Fruits Unripe fruit is given in constipation.
35. U-mangra Shrub Tapioca Manihot esculenta Euphorbiaceae Tuber, leaves Tuber flour given in fever and stomach complaints, leaves used for sores and
36. Khe -U Tree Burmese lacquer tree Melanorrhoea usitata Anacardiaceae Trunk Oleoresin obtained from the plant is used in leprosy's
37. Noogshi hidak Herb Field mint Mentha arvensis Lamiaceae Shoot,
Fresh shoot juice mixed with salt or honey given in diarrhoea, leaf powder used in
gum complaints
38. Heibi Shrub Meyna laxiflora Rubiaceae Leaves Fresh leaves used as blood purifier
39. Leihao Shrub Champac Michelia champaca Magnoliaceae Leaves,
Extract of leaves applied to head for eradicating lice, roots are used in stomach
40. Leihao angouba Shrub White champa Michelia montana Magnoliaceae Bark Used in fevers
41. Laphu Herb Banana Musa paradisiaca Musaceae Fruit Unripe fruit used in dysentery and diarrhoea
42. Hidak mana Herb Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae Leaves Leaves applied to insect bites
43. Shamba Tree midnight horror or Indian trumpet flower Oroxylum indicum Bignoniaceae Leaves,
Leaves in epilepsy, bark both in fresh and dried used in mouth ulcer
44. Fou Grass paddy Oryza sativa Poaceae Seeds Rice water in inflammatory states of intestines
45. Yensil Herb Indian sorrel Oxalis corniculata Oxalidaceae Whole plant Plant extract given in stomach complaints
46. Nongmangkha Herb Vasaka Phlogacanthus
Acanthaceae Flowers,
Used in fever and cold
47. Uningthou Tree Bonsum, Angaria Phoebe hainesiana Lauraceae Berries Ash of berries applied to sores
48. Uchaan Tree Khasi pine Pinus insularis Pinaceae Wood Wood paste applied to forehead as a remedy for headaches
49. Yellang Herb Polygonum barbatum Polygonaceae Shoot Shoot extract as a wash for ulcers
50. heimaang Tree Rhus semialata Anacardiaceae Fruits Dysentery and indigestion
51. Ee Grass Thatch grass Saccharum spontaneum Poaceae Roots Low blood pressure.
52. Thoiding Herb sesame Sesamum indicum Pedaliaceae Seed Seed paste used as plaster to be applied to burns
53. Alu Herb potato Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae Leaf Leaf extract used in cough, potato paste applied to burns
54. Sanarei Herb African marigold Tagetes erecta Asteraceae Leaves Crushed leaves applied to fresh wounds for stopping bleeding.
55. Sampakpi Shrub Aramina Ureta lobata Malvoideae Leaves Leaf juice with honey given in cough and fever
56. Urikshibi Shrub Chinese chaste tree Vitex negundo Lamiaceae Leaves Crushed leaves applied to painful swellings
57. Hameng sampakpi Herb Cockle bur Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae Leaf Leaf extract with honey is given in fever and cough.
58. Mukthrubi tingkhang
Tree Zanthoxylum
Rutaceae leaves Used in indigestion, cough and bronchitis
59. Shing Herb Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae Rhizome Rhizome extract mixed with honey given in asthma and cough.
60. Yensil Herb Indian sorrel Zingiber zerumbet Oxalidaceae Whole plant Plant extract given in stomach complaints.