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. 2014 Winter;5(1):22–27.

Table 1.

Accuracy of the MLP classifier with FFT and PSD features over the sweep lengths. (A) And (B) correspond to external light sources of 15 HZ and 20 HZ for test data.

Accuracy (%) FFT Features PSD Features
0.5s sweep 1s sweep 2s sweep 0.5s sweep 1s sweep 2s sweep
Sub #1 88.5 89.2 93 88.5 95.4 97.1
Sub #2 89.7 94.2 95 88.9 95.4 96.4
Sub #3 87.3 95 98.2 90.4 96 97
Sub #4 90 93.3 97.3 90.2 93.4 96.9
Sub #5 90.3 95 98 90.6 95 97.7
Averaged Acc 89.1 93.34 96.3 89.72 95.04 97.02
Accuracy (%) FFT Features PSD Features
0.5s sweep 1s sweep 2s sweep 0.5s sweep 1s sweep 2s sweep
Sub #1 87.5 88.6 91.4 88.1 89.5 96
Sub #2 89.4 91.2 93.3 87.9 94.2 93.2
Sub #3 87.1 92.2 95.7 88.4 94 95
Sub #4 89.5 91.3 94.6 88.2 90.9 97.1
Sub #5 88.6 92 96 90.4 93 96.7
Averaged Acc 88.42 91.06 94.2 88.6 92.32 95.6