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. 2013 Aug 13;51(5):514–523. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2013-0040

Table 4. Summary statistics of sab-samples.

Variable All
Out of work
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
Self-rated health (1–5) 3.413 0.881 3.425 0.877 3.102 0.919
MHI-5 score (0–100) 63.037 17.378 63.334 17.270 55.398 18.430
Being out of work 0.037 0.190
Age 33.103 5.555 33.145 5.550 32.023 5.597
Age squared 1,126.657 362.352 1,129.377 362.220 1,056.667 359.401
Education: High school or less 0.321 0.467 0.317 0.465 0.409 0.493
Education: Junior high school 0.208 0.406 0.206 0.404 0.258 0.438
Education: College or more 0.472 0.499 0.477 0.500 0.333 0.472
Married 0.442 0.497 0.437 0.496 0.580 0.495
Household income per person (yen) 3,803,454 2,258,667 3,839,570 2,255,038 2,408,407 1,940,520
Number of observations 7,057 6,793 264
Number of observations (with information about household income) 5,310 5,176 134