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. 2014 Oct 20;2:196. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00196

Table 1.

Prevalence of anemia by selected characteristics among children under 5 years.

Characteristics Anemia in children under-5
% N
Toilet facility
 Facility available 55.1 9628
 No facility 63.9 19787
Type of house
 Kaccha 65.8 5329
 Semi pucca 63.5 14396
 Pucca 54.7 9614
Type of cooking fuel
 Clean fuel 51.6 4790
 Unclean fuel 62.8 24697
House structure
 Nuclear 62.6 15201
 Non-nuclear 59.2 15759
Smoking (anyone in the house)
 No 60.9 31823
 Yes 62.3 512
Source of drinking water
 Improved 60.2 26496
 Not improved 64.7 4399
 Winter 59.7 18815
 Summer and rainy 62.9 13526
Sex of child
 Boy 60.2 16623
 Girl 61.8 15718
Age of child (months)
 <6 67.3 3218
 6–23 61.8 9080
 24–59 59.1 17541
Birth order of child
 1 59.8 9609
 2 59.4 8567
 3 61.7 5296
 4 63.4 8869
 Normal 59.0 15189
 Stunting 62.9 17160
 Never breastfed 61.5 1389
 Less than 6 months 59.3 2023
 6 months and above 59.0 13816
 Still breastfeeding 62.9 14879
Taken drugs for parasitic infection
 No 61.3 26908
 Yes 56.5 3079
Place of residence
 Urban 56.0 6956
 Rural 62.4 24005
 Others 57.6 7965
 OBC 62.8 6962
 SC 72.4 3723
 ST 59.2 12646
 Hindu 61.1 25583
 Muslim 61.6 6349
 Others 57.4 1372
Mother’s education
 No education 66.5 6945
 Primary 63.6 2592
 Secondary and above 55.7 7001
Mother’s working status
 Not working 60.6 22539
 Working 61.9 9775
Wealth index
 Rich 53.5 9037
 Middle 61.3 6484
 Poor 65.7 16820
 North 56.5 3980
 Central 57.9 8933
 East and north east 69.7 10956
 West 56.3 3644
 South 57.6 4827
Media exposure of mother
Read newspaper or magazine
 No 63.6 24981
 Yes 53.5 7330
Watch television
 No 65.2 15968
 Yes 57.4 16371
Listen radio
 No 62.3 19967
 Yes 59.0 12370