Fig. 2.
Primary root growth of 14-3-3 triple and quadruple mutants during 7 d shows mutant specific inhibition and time-dependent growth. (A). 14-3-3 KAPPA, LAMBDA, NU, UPSILON, PHI, and CHI expression in roots at 7 and 14 d after stratification (DAS) determined by RT-PCR. (B–J) Two wild-type (WT) and two mutant seedlings were grown vertically on plates under long-day conditions and root growth was measured as described in the materials and methods. Figures show mutant root growth data compared with the WT on the same plate. (B) 14-3-3 quadruple mutants exhibited a shorter primary root compared with WT at 14 DAS. (C) Primary root growth between 7 and 14 DAS of the three 14-3-3 quadruple mutants depicting shorter mutant roots. (D) Three triple mutants in the un background (kun, cun and pun) show a reduction in primary root growth. (E) Primary root growth for pc background plants shows that the triples npc and upc are impaired, whereas kpc and lpc are indistinguishable from WT. (F) Primary root growth for triple mutants in the kl mutant background shows that only the growth of pkl is significantly reduced. (G–J) Primary root growth rates were calculated between two measuring days: DAS 7–9 or early (E), 9–11 or middle (M), and 11–14 or late (L) show overall a time-dependency in growth for most triple and quadruple mutants. (G) Quadruple mutants klun, klpc, and unpc show an inhibition in growth rate. (H) kl background; pkl is inhibited in PR length in both middle and late growth period, (I) un background plants showing pun and cun to be inhibited between day 9 and 11, (J) pc background plants where upc and npc show a growth inhibition between day 11 and 14. (K) Overview of the primary root growth of the 24 14-3-3 mutants on control plates. Blue coloured boxes show a significant difference compared with WT. Bars show average of three biological replica’s and the error bars depicts SEM. Statistical analysis paired t-test *<0.05 P>0.01, **<0.01 P>0.005,*** P<0.005.