Potential protected areas for the conservation of terrestrial species in continental Ecuador. The potential conservation areas were chosen from the first best solution in Marxan, with indication of its classification according to the priority and feasibility assessments. (1) Extension of Manglares Cayapas Mataje ER, (2) corridor between Cotacachi Cayapas ER and El Pambilar WR, (3) corridor between Mache Chindul ER and Ecosistema de Manglar del Estuario del Río Mindo ER, (4–6) new areas in the northern Coast, (7) new area in the south of Mache Chindul ER, (8) extension of the western Los Ilinizas ER, (9) extension of Islas Corazón y Fragatas WR, (10–13) new areas in the central Coast, (14) corridor between Machalilla NP and Pacoche WR, (15–17) new areas in the central Coast, (18) corridor between Manglares el Salado WPR and Parque Lago NRA, (19) extension of Manglares Churute ER, (20) new area in Puná Island, (21) extension of Arenillas ER, (22) new area in the southern Coast, (23) new area in the south end of the Coast, (24) extension of the eastern Cotacachi Cayapas ER, (25) corridor between Pululahua GR and Los Ilinizas ER, (26) corridor between Los Ilinizas ER, (27) corridor between El Ángel ER and Cayambe Coca NP, (28) extension of the western Cayambe Coca NP, (29) corridor between Cayambe Coca NP, Sumaco Napo Galeras NP, and Antisana ER, (30) corridor between Cotopaxi NP and Antisana ER, (31) extension of Pasochoa WR, (32) extension of the western Cotopaxi NP, (33) extension of Llanganates NP and corridor between Sangay NP, (34) extension of Sangay NP, (35) new area in the central Andes, (36) extension of Cajas NP, (37–43) new areas in the southern Andes, (44) new area in the south end of the Andes, (45) extension of Podocarpus NP, (46) corridor between Podocarpus NP and Yacurí NP, (47) extension of Yacurí NP, (48) extension and corridor within Sumaco Napo Galeras NP, (49) corridor between Cuyabeno WPR, Limoncocha BR and Yasuní NP, (50) extension of Yasuní NP, (51) new area in the northern Amazon, (52) extension of the southern Yasuní NP, (53) New area in the east end of the Amazon, (54) new area in the north of Cutucú mountain range, (55) new area in the Cordillera Cutucú mountain range, (56) extension of El Cóndor BR, (57) corridor between El Cóndor BR and El Quimi BR. ER, ecological reserve; WR, wildlife refuge; NP, national park; WPR, wildlife production reserve; NRA, national recreation area; GR, geobotanical reserve; BR, biological reserve.