Markley and Harpersville formation outcrops. Key: P, basal palaeosol; K, kaolinite-dominated siltstone; O, organic shale; F, coarsening upward interbedded siltstone–sandstone. (a) Cooper, locality ‘D’; note thick palaeosol and transition between organic shale facies and coarsening upward interbedded siltstone–sandstone facies, and blocks of channel sandstone at top of exposure. (b) Voyles, locality ‘P’; note dipping beds in coarsening upward interbedded siltstone–sandstone facies. (c) Loving, locality ‘B’; note both upper and lower coal intervals and channel sandstone in background. (d) Walker, locality ‘M’; note concave shape of beds in outcrop. Kaolinite-dominated siltstone bed is present directly below organic shale but not visible in photograph. (e) Bloodworth, locality ‘F’; note truncation of floodplain mudstone beds directly above the heads of the people in the photograph and large Fe-oxide concretions near their feet; dull orange beds at top of outcrop are Quaternary alluvium.