A Skeletal muscle, total FOXO1 (total-F), and acetylated FOXO1 (ac-F) protein levels. Western blot analysis, Deletor and WT mice, on CD or NR (n = 4 for each group); tubulin as a loading control.
B Quantification of acetylated FOXO1, from Western blot results (n = 4 in each group).
C Quantification of total FOXO1 (B), from Western blot results (n = 4 in each group).
D–F Muscle mRNA expression of fatty acid transport and oxidation proteins CD36, ACOX1, MCAD (post-manifestation Deletor NR n = 12; Deletor CD n = 11; WT NR n = 8; WT CD n = 7; arbitrary units).
G Muscle UPRmt proteins HSP70, HSP60, ClpP in post-manifestation Deletors, and WT mice on NR- or CD-fed diet. Western blot analysis, beta-actin as a loading control.
H Serum FGF21 in Deletors and WT mice on CD or NR diet, post-manifestation (Deletor NR n = 12; Deletor CD n = 11; WT NR n = 8; WT CD n = 7). ELISA analysis.