a, The best pairwise stimulus for each neuron was determined from the VWA and played back in isolation (unadapted, left) or embedded within random surround stimuli (adapted, right). Black, trial-averaged responses of a neuron to each of the two whiskers, R(PW) or R(SW). Circles, stimulus onset. The pairwise deflection, R(PW+SW), is shown in red (unadapted) or cyan (adapted). b, same as in panel a but for the best multi-whisker stimuli (2-9 whiskers). c, For all neurons (N = 46 unadapted in red; N = 75 adapted in blue/cyan) response to the pairwise deflection R(PW+SW) was plotted against the sum of responses to individual deflections R(PW)+R(SW). Cyan points represent neurons observed during both adapted and unadapted conditions and therefore have a red counterpart. Blue points represent neurons observed only during adaptation. Pairwise summation is nearly linear during adaptation (blue and cyan) (slope 0.723, r 0.506, p < 10−8) and sub-linear under unadapted conditions (red) (slope 0.346, r 0.738, p < 10−9). Similar behavior was observed for the optimal multi-whisker stimuli (right) (N=33 unadapted, 36 adapted; 33 matched pairs) (adapted: slope 0.491, r 0.631, p < 10−7; unadapted: slope 0.223, r 0.442, p < 10−9). d, For the same data as in c responses to pairwise deflections [R(PW+SW)] were compared to responses to the PW deflections alone [R(PW)]. Surround inputs facilitated the PW response during adaptation but suppressed the PW response without adaptation.