Fig. 2.
Pacrg developmental and cellular expression during mouse spermatogenesis. (A) Northern blot analysis of Pacrg in neonatal testes shows the onset of expression of Pacrg at 14 dpp. Higher levels of Pacrg transcript are detected from 20 dpp onward, when sperm differentiation initiates. (Lower) Hybridization with an actin probe as loading control. (B) In situ hybridization analysis by using a Pacrg RNA probe on adult mouse testis shows expression in the seminiferous epithelium. Roman numerals indicate the stage(s) assigned to each seminiferous tubule (×200 magnification). (C) Cellular localization of Pacrg mRNA by in situ hybridization on testis seminiferous tubules at different stages (indicated by Roman numerals in the bottom right corner, ×400 magnification). The dotted curves delineate the approximate boundary between the spermatocyte (toward the basal membrane) and the spermatid cellular layers (toward the lumen) in each of the stages showed.