CREB knockdown differentially affects the induction of c-Fos (A, B,G, H), FosB/ΔFosB (C, D, I,J), or PDyn mRNA (E,F, K, L) byl-DOPA or cocaine. In the absence of CREB,l-DOPA was able to induce all gene expression markers in the 6-OHDA-lesioned striatum (compare antisense group inA, C, and E with control group in B, D, andF), whereas cocaine was unable to induce the same gene products in the intact striatum (G, I, K, antisense group; H, J, L, control group). Photomicrographs were taken under bright-field (A–D,G–J) or dark-field illumination (E, F, K,L) from animals that sustained intrastriatal oligonucleotide infusion and acute drug injections.Asterisks mark the cannula track. Scale bar, 100 μm.