Figure 4.
RFC scores for pairwise alignments with four species. The RFC scores are calculated as per the section Materials and methods. RFC scores for alignments between (A) human and chimp, (B) human and macaque, (C) human and mouse and (D) human and dog. We split the GENCODE 12 genes into three groups, those genes for which we found peptides (‘Detected’ in dark red), those genes for which we did not find peptides and that were in the potential non-coding set (‘Potential NC’ genes marked in yellow) and those that we did not detect but that were not in the potential non-coding set (‘Not Detected’ genes, in orange). As a comparison, we included the results for a set of long non-coding genes (‘Non-coding’ shown in blue). RFC scores are shown on the y-axis; the x-axis is the proportion of each set. RFC scores are ordered from highest to lowest.