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. 2014 Oct 9;45(3):851–855. doi: 10.1590/s1517-83822014000300014

Table 2.

Prevalence of distinct genetic profiles of non-LEE genes in typical and atypical EPEC serotypes.

Genetic profile N° of EPEC strains (%) Serotype (N° of strains and origina)

espI, cif, nleB, nleC, nleE 19 (17.7) O88:H25 (4P) O132:H8 (1C)
O111:H2 (6P) O26:H (1P/1C)
O111:H (5P) R:H (1P)
espI, nleC 10 (9.3) O41:H (1P)
O55:H7 (1C)
O101:H33 (1C)
O109:H9 (1C)
O125:H6 (1P/1C)
espI, nleC 10 (9.3) ONT:H (2P/2C)
espI, cif, nleC 9 (8.4) O86:H34 (1P) ONT:H (1P/1C)
O119:H6 (5P) ONT:H33 (1C)
nleC 9 (8.4) O142:H6 (2P) O51:H (1P)
O142:H34 (1P/2C) ONT:H2 (1P)
ONT:H40, 43 (1C)
ONT:H (1P)
O51:H (1P)
cif, nleB, nleC, nleE 5 (4.7) O127:H40 (2C) O51:H40 (1C)
ONT:H40 (1P)
ONT:H7 (1C)
espI, cif, nleB, nleC, nleD, nleE 4 (3.7) O55:H6 (1P/1C) O26:H (1C)
O145:H45 (1P)
espI, nleB, nleC, nleD, nleE 4 (3.7) O55:H− (1P) O26:H (1P)
O55:H7 (1P/1C)
nleB, nleC, nleE 4 (3.7) O111:H− (1P) O51:H40 (1P/1C)
ONT:H40, 43 (1C)
nleC, nleD 4 (3.7) O55:H− (1C) O98:H8 (1C)
O145:H45 (1P) ONT:H29 31 (1C)
cif, nleB, nleC, nleD nleE 3 (2.8) O55:H6 (2P)
O127:H6 (1P)
espI, cif 3 (2.8) O119:H6 (1P) O11:H16 (1P)
R:H11 (1C)
cif, nleB, nleD, nleE 2 (1.8) O51:H40 (2P)
espI, cif, nleB, nleC 2 (1.8) O88:H25 (2P)
espI, nleC, nleD 2 (1.8) O145:H45 (1P) O26:H (1C)
cif, nleB, nleC 2 (1.8) O55:H6 (1P) R:H40 (1P)
espI, nleC, nleD 2 (1.8) ONT:H (1P)
ONT:H19 (1P)
cif, nleC 2 (1.8) O86:H34 (1P) O63:H6 (1P)
nleB, nleE 2 (1.8) O129:H11 (1C)
ONT:H34 (1P)
espI 2 (1.8) O49:H (1C)
ONT:H8 (1C)
espI, nleB, nleD, nleE 1 (0.9) O34:H (1P)
espI, nleB, nleC, nleD 1 (0.9) O55:H7 (1P)
espI, nleB, nleC, nleE 1 (0.9) O153:H7 (1C)
cif, nleC, nleD 1 (0.9) O63:H6 (1P)
espI, nleD 1 (0.9) ONT:H (1P)
none 12 (11.2) O16:H (1P)
O104:H (1P)
O177:H (1C)
O111:H9 (1P)
O154:H9 (1P)
O162:H (1C)
ONT:H (2P/1C)
ONT:H11 (2C)
R:H28 (1P)

P: patient, C: control.