Fig. 2.
Forest plot of meta-analysis of association between maternal MTHFR C677T polymorphism and CHD risk and funnel plot analysis on the detection of publication bias. (A) Meta-analysis in a random effects model for C vs. T (additive model); (B) meta-analysis in a random effects model for CC vs. TT (co-dominant model); (C) meta-analysis in a random effects model for TT + CT vs. CC (dominant model); (D) meta-analysis in a random effects model for TT vs. CC + CT (recessive model). Left panel: forest plot analysis, each study is shown by the point of estimating the OR and 95% CIs for corresponding ORs were shown by extending lines; right panel: funnel plot analysis, each point represents an individual study. LogOR, natural logarithm of OR, perpendicular line denotes the mean effect size.