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. 2014 Oct 21;9(10):e111180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111180

Table 3. Models fitted to different reproductive parameters.

Reproductive parameter Model ID Fixed effects Random effects K ΔAICci wAICci
Chicks fledged nesting attempt−1 1 yr Female ID 4 0.000 0.285
2 none Female ID 2 0.309 0.244
Chicks fledged male−1 season−1 3 trt × HD, yr Male ID 8 0.000 0.594
Chicks fledged female−1 season−1 4 none Female ID 2 0.000 0.326
5 trt Female ID 3 1.003 0.197
6 yr Female ID 4 1.999 0.120
Clutch size 7 none - 1 0.000 0.462
8 yr - 2 1.631 0.204
Log egg volume 9 none Female ID 3 0.000 0.379
10 HD Female ID 4 0.336 0.321
Hatching date 11 trt, yr Male ID 6 0.000 0.358
12 trt, yr, maleage Male ID 7 0.761 0.244
Hatching success 13 HD Female ID 3 0.000 0.335
14 none Female ID 2 1.079 0.195
Chick maximum wing chord 15 trt × yr, chickage Female ID 7 0.000 0.288
Nest survival 16 none - 2 0.000 0.327
17 trt - 2 1.323 0.169
18 found - 2 1.889 0.127
Breeding attempts male−1 season−1 19 trt, HD - 3 0.000 0.392
20 trt × HD - 4 0.920 0.247

AICc is the corrected Akaike's Information Criterion, ΔAICci is the difference in AICc between model i and the best model and wAICci is the Akaike weight. Plausible models (ΔAICci ≤2) are presented; see Tables S2–S14 for the full sets of candidate models. Interactions are indicated by × and include all lower order additive terms as well.

Fixed effects (in order of appearance in table). yr  =  year, none  =  intercept-only model, trt  =  treatment (fed or control), HD  =  standardized hatching date, maleage  =  male age (young (yearling) or old (2+)), chickage  =  age of chicks, found  =  standardized date nest found.