Figure 3.
The preferential respiratory chain of an oxygen-limited mycobacterial cell. Under low oxygen-conditions a diverse response utilizing alternate electron donors and acceptors, energy-conserving enzymes and a high affinity terminal oxidase permit survival under hypoxic conditions. Components coloured in red are upregulated under microaerobic conditions (6). Catalysis and electron flow are indicated by arrows. The possible PMF-driven reverse electron flow of Sdh2 is not shown for clarity. Acronyms: Mqo – Malate:Menaquinone oxidoreductase; Ndh – Type II NADH:Menaquinone oxidoreductase; Sdh2 – Succinate:Menaquinone oxidoreductase 2; Nar – Nitrate reductase; Cyd – Cytochrome bd oxidase; Frd – Fumarate reductase; Hyd – Hydrogenase; MQ – Menaquinone; A – Unidentified electron acceptor.