Fig. 3.
Growth rate (A) and yield (B) of cocultures of D. vulgaris strains (aps, qmo, sat, JW710, DA, D+, D−) paired with each of three M. maripaludis populations. Results for pairings containing M+ (blue diamonds), M− (red squares), and MA (green triangles) are shown. Asterisks (*) or X (colored according to the M. maripaludis strain) indicate a significant difference (after sequential Bonferroni correction, P < 0.05 per panel for all comparisons against appropriate control) between the mean for that coculture and a control coculture in the full ANOVA model (*) or a submodel (x) containing only data with open symbols. The control coculture for D+ and D− cocultures were DA cocultures (solid symbols). The control coculture for mutants was JW710 (open symbols). M+ and D+ are evolved partners from coculture H2 dilutions that have retained the ability to respire sulfate; M− and D− from H2 dilutions that have lost that capability. MA and DA refer to ancestral strains. Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval.