Figure 2.
Quantitative analysis of spontaneously differentiated neurospheres derived from primary CSCs. CSCs differentiated in on lamin coated plates in (A) Neurobasal A; (B) Neuro-Pure; and (C) NeuroCult-XF media; (D) neurosphere area and neurite length were determined using NIS-Elements imaging software (Nikon). The area is the count of pixels detected in an object (computed by NIS-Elements imaging software). Neurite length was calculated as the distance between two points (computed by NIS-Elements imaging software). Measurements taken at day 3 (cells grown in Neuro-Pure ranged 0-9 µM and in Neurobasal ranged 5-17 µM) were statistically significant (P=0.0517); (E) quantitative analysis of specific cell type during differentiation was performed through immunocytochemistry. All antibodies (GFAP, O4, Tuj-1, Cleaved-Caspase-3, Oct-4, and Tra-1) were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology. Measurements from positively stained cells were taken from n=3 independent experiments with a (*P≤0.05) versus Neuro-Pure.