Table 2.
Year | Place | Title | Authors | Place | Objective | Type of study |
2007 | BDTD – Postgraduate Program in Health Care Sciences. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | A representação social do cuidado no Programa de Saúde da família na cidade de Natal (The social representation of care in the Family Health Care Program in Natal) | Rodrigues MP | Family Health Care Program in Natal, RN | Understand the social representations of care of FHCP teams in Natal and how these representations guide the daily actions of these individuals during the work process. | Research |
2009 | BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | A política de humanização e a Estratégia de Saúde da Família: Visões e vivências (A politics of humanization and the Family Health Care Strategy: Views and Experiences) | Vilar RLA | Family Health Care Strategy, Natal, RN | To reflect on the guiding theoretical and organizational frameworks of NHP and its echoes in municipal health policy in Natal; for analyzing milestones in local politics, discovering the views and experiences of humanizing agents in the day-to-day work processes and for the main challenges of the Humanization policy. | Research |
2005 | BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Health Care and Environmental Sciences - Universidade Católica de Goiás | Inovação e resistência na implantação do Processo de humanização na secretaria Municipal de saúde do município de Goiânia-GO, Sob as lentes da bioética (Innovation and resistance in implementing the humanization process in the municipal health department of Goiânia-GO, From a bio-ethical point of view) | Soares LFP | 10 health care units in municipal health department of Goiânia | A bioethical focus on the public health care system professional involved in the process of humanizing health care as envisaged by the Ministry of Health, as well as their activity as a protagonist in this process. | Research |
2009 | BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Children and women's health. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz | Humanização das condições de trabalho: Um dos pré-requisitos para a humanização da assistência (Humanization of working conditions: One of the pre-requisites for humanizing health care) | Villar RMT. | Health care center and in a policlinic, both part of the municipal health department, Rio de Janeiro | To analyze the meaning health care professionals attribute to the interference of working conditions in humanizing health care provided to service users. | Research |
2009 | BDTD - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro . Institute of Social medicine. | Integralidade na prática assistencial da equipe de enfermagem: a relação da escuta na interação usuário e profissional no município de Paranavaí, PR (Comprehensiveness in the care practices of a nursing team: listening in user-professional interaction in Paranavaí, PR) | Urbano GB | Two primary health care units in Paranavaí, PR | To observe the activities of the nursing team in Primary Care, seeking to characterize interactions with the users and prioritizing listening as a requisite of integrality. | Research |
2011 | BDTD - Universidade de São Paulo – Nursing School, Ribeirão Preto | A Estratégia de Saúde da Família em sua micropolítica: um estudo de caso sobre a humanização nos processos de trabalho (Family Health Care Strategy in micro-policies: a case study of humanization in work processes) | Campos LVO | Family Health Care Strategy in Ribeirao Preto, SP | To map the ways of producing and capturing humanization activities which constitute micro-policies in the work processes of a FHCS team. | Research |
2007 | – | Acolhimento e os processos de trabalho em saúde: o caso de Betim, MG (Reception and work processes in health care: the case of Betim, MG) | Franco TB, Bueno WS, Merhy EE | Primary health care unit Rosa Capuche, in Betim, MG | To assess the impact of access mechanisms and explore the possibilities of new designs of day-to-day micro-policies in certain health care models. | Reports |
2008 | – | Caminhos do acolhimento: relato de experiência em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família no município do Rio de Janeiro (Paths the receiving users: reports of experience in a family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro) | Silva KA, Fernandes ND, Xavier MCS | Family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro | To discuss the experience of establishing reception of users in a family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro. | Reports |
BDTD: Brazilian Digital Library of theses and dissertations