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. 2013 Dec;47(6):1186–1200. doi: 10.1590/S0034-8910.2013047004581

Table 2.

Characteristics of texts of dissertations, theses and books that comprised the meta-synthesis. Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil, 2012.

Year Place Title Authors Place Objective Type of study
2007 BDTD – Postgraduate Program in Health Care Sciences. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte A representação social do cuidado no Programa de Saúde da família na cidade de Natal (The social representation of care in the Family Health Care Program in Natal) Rodrigues MP Family Health Care Program in Natal, RN Understand the social representations of care of FHCP teams in Natal and how these representations guide the daily actions of these individuals during the work process. Research
2009 BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte A política de humanização e a Estratégia de Saúde da Família: Visões e vivências (A politics of humanization and the Family Health Care Strategy: Views and Experiences) Vilar RLA Family Health Care Strategy, Natal, RN To reflect on the guiding theoretical and organizational frameworks of NHP and its echoes in municipal health policy in Natal; for analyzing milestones in local politics, discovering the views and experiences of humanizing agents in the day-to-day work processes and for the main challenges of the Humanization policy. Research
2005 BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Health Care and Environmental Sciences - Universidade Católica de Goiás Inovação e resistência na implantação do Processo de humanização na secretaria Municipal de saúde do município de Goiânia-GO, Sob as lentes da bioética (Innovation and resistance in implementing the humanization process in the municipal health department of Goiânia-GO, From a bio-ethical point of view) Soares LFP 10 health care units in municipal health department of Goiânia A bioethical focus on the public health care system professional involved in the process of humanizing health care as envisaged by the Ministry of Health, as well as their activity as a protagonist in this process. Research
2009 BDTD - Postgraduate Program in Children and women's health. Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Humanização das condições de trabalho: Um dos pré-requisitos para a humanização da assistência (Humanization of working conditions: One of the pre-requisites for humanizing health care) Villar RMT. Health care center and in a policlinic, both part of the municipal health department, Rio de Janeiro To analyze the meaning health care professionals attribute to the interference of working conditions in humanizing health care provided to service users. Research
2009 BDTD - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro . Institute of Social medicine. Integralidade na prática assistencial da equipe de enfermagem: a relação da escuta na interação usuário e profissional no município de Paranavaí, PR (Comprehensiveness in the care practices of a nursing team: listening in user-professional interaction in Paranavaí, PR) Urbano GB Two primary health care units in Paranavaí, PR To observe the activities of the nursing team in Primary Care, seeking to characterize interactions with the users and prioritizing listening as a requisite of integrality. Research
2011 BDTD - Universidade de São Paulo – Nursing School, Ribeirão Preto A Estratégia de Saúde da Família em sua micropolítica: um estudo de caso sobre a humanização nos processos de trabalho (Family Health Care Strategy in micro-policies: a case study of humanization in work processes) Campos LVO Family Health Care Strategy in Ribeirao Preto, SP To map the ways of producing and capturing humanization activities which constitute micro-policies in the work processes of a FHCS team. Research
2007 Acolhimento e os processos de trabalho em saúde: o caso de Betim, MG (Reception and work processes in health care: the case of Betim, MG) Franco TB, Bueno WS, Merhy EE Primary health care unit Rosa Capuche, in Betim, MG To assess the impact of access mechanisms and explore the possibilities of new designs of day-to-day micro-policies in certain health care models. Reports
2008 Caminhos do acolhimento: relato de experiência em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família no município do Rio de Janeiro (Paths the receiving users: reports of experience in a family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro) Silva KA, Fernandes ND, Xavier MCS Family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro To discuss the experience of establishing reception of users in a family health care unit in Rio de Janeiro. Reports

BDTD: Brazilian Digital Library of theses and dissertations