Extended Data Figure 4. Antibiotic treatment does not prevent intestinal pathology in RIPK1IEC-KO and RIPK1tamIEC-KO mice.
a, Experimental outline of tamoxifen injections (TAM; 1 mg, intraperitoneally). b, Immunoblot of small intestine IEC protein extracts from tamoxifen-treated Ripk1fl/fl and RIPK1tamIEC-KO mice. c–e, Body weight change (c), Kaplan–Meier survival curve (d) and representative images of H&E- and CC3-stained intestinal sections (e) of tamoxifen-treated Ripk1fl/fl and RIPK1tamIEC-KO mice receiving antibiotics (+AB) or normal drinking water starting 4 weeks before tamoxifen administration. f, g, Body weight change (f) and representative images of H&E- and CC3-stained intestinal sections (g) in vehicle-injected Ripk1fl/fl and RIPK1tamIEC-KO mice. h, i, Body weight changes (h) and representative images of H&E-stained intestinal sections (i) of tamoxifen-injected Villin-CreERT2 mice (n = 3). j–l, Body weight (j), Kaplan–Meier survival curve (k) and representative images of H&E- and CC3-stained intestinal sections (l) of Ripk1fl/fl and RIPK1IEC-KO mice treated with antibiotics from E17.5 to 3 weeks of age. Scale bars, 100 µm. Error bars represent mean values ± s.d. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.005; NS, not significant.