Figure 6. Inhibition of CPA-induced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by RU360 was reversed by SIN-1.
SIN-1 abolished the inhibition of CPA-induced CCE by the mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibitor RU360. Fibroblasts were loaded with Fura 2AM (2 μM) for 60 min. After loading, the media were changed to calcium free BSS, and 3 min later the calcium measurements were initiated. RU360 (0, 20 μM) was added 2 min after SIN-1 (500 μM). After an additional 4 min, CPA (2 μM) was added, and 2 min later CaCl2 (final concentration of 2.5 mM) was added. The top panel shows the tracings taken from 42–51 cells. The bottom panel shows the integration of the [Ca2+]i peak over the 3 min interval after calcium addition (495–660 sec). Data are means ± SEM (n= 42–51 cells). Different letters indicate values vary significantly (p<0.05) from the other groups by ANOVA followed by Student Newman Keul’s test.