Figure 2. Variation in SSR sequence among diploid and autotetraploid C. nankingense plants.
(a) A GTG repeat absent from the tetraploid amplicon; (b) #34 nine A(G)AGATG repeat absent from the tetraploid amplicon; (c–d) Two GAA (c) and TTC (d) repeat present in the tetraploid amplicons; (e) an ACC repeat absent from the T4 amplicon and an ACCATC repeat from the T1 amplicon; (f) an additional TTC repeat in the T1 amplicon, and the loss of three TCT repeats in the T3 amplicon. a: primer pair #15, b: primer pair #34, c: primer pair #14, d: primer pair #31, e: primer pair #2, f: primer pair #26. The cropped gels have been run under the same experimental conditions. Full-length gels are presented in Supplementary Fig. S1.