Table 2.
Parameter values used in the ADSRM implementation.
Parameter | Value | References∖notes |
Packing factor | 0.637 | Sterling et al. [37] |
Fractal dimension | 2.3 | Hinderliter et al. [17] |
Activation energy | 33 × 103 J | Zheludkevich et al. [38] |
Rate constant for citrate oxidation | 1.235 × 10−10 mol/m3/sec | Estimated from Zhang et al. 2011 [20] |
Rate constant for direct sulfidation | 0.018 mM−1 ·min−1 | Liu et al. 2011 [24] |
Rate constant for indirect sulfidation | 0.00016 min−1 | Liu et al. 2011 [24] |
Mass transfer rate of O2 | 1.67 × 10−6 mol/m3/sec | Estimated by Zhang et al. 2011 [20] |
Saturation conc. of O2 | 8.96 mg/L | Zhang et al. 2011 [20] |
Density of medium | 1000 kg/m3 | Density of water |
Viscosity of medium | 0.001 Pa-s | Viscosity of water |