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. 2014 Jun 11;2:26. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2014.00026

Table 1.

Progression in the field of ex vivo RBCs expansion during last two decades.

S. no. Cell source and culture time Growth factors Co-culture Expansion Units of blood Enucleation rate Animal or human serum/plasma Key points References
1 CB CD34+ 21 days FLT-3, SCF, TPO, EPO, IGF-1 NO NA NA 4% in vitro No Basis for transfusion potential of ex vivo cultured RBCs in animal model Neildez-Nguyen et al., 2002
99% in vivo
2 Cord blood 21 days SCF, IL-3, EPO hydrocortisone Murine stromal mMS-5 1.95 × 106 4.6/CB 95% No First in vitro production of RBCs Giarratana et al., 2005
3 Cord blood 60 days EPO, SCF, IGF-1 dex and lipid mix No 109 -NA −100% Yes Prolonged expansion protocol up to 60 days for adult globin switching Leberbauer et al., 2005
4 Cord blood 20 days SCF, IL-3, EPO VEGF, IGF-2 No 7.2 × 105 104/CB 77.5% Yes Low expansion and enucleation rates Miharada et al., 2006
5 Cord blood 21 days SCF, IL-3, EPO, TPO, Flt-3 Human MSCs 8 × 103 0.02/CB 64% No Less allogenicity, lower expansion, and enucleation rates, replaced BM derived feeder cells with UCB derived cells Baek et al., 2008
6 Cord blood 38 days SCF+Flt-3+TPO IL-3+EPO hTERT+ Macrophages 3.5 × 106 8.8/CB 100% Yes Impossible to scale up Fujimi et al., 2008
7 hESCs 59 days Hydrocortisone, IL3, BMP-4, SCF, EPO, IGF-1 hMSCs, mMS-5 4 × 107 cells NA (6.5%, starting from CD34+ cells) Yes Globin switching Qiu et al., 2008
8 hESCs 42 days SCF, Epo, BMP-4, VEGF, bFGF, TPO, FLT3 L MEFs, OP9 1010–1011 cells/6-well plate of hESCs NA 10–65% No Functional oxygen carrying capacity of ESCs derived RBCs Lu et al., 2008
10 hiPSCs,(MR90, FD-136) SCF,TPO, FLT3-L, TPO, BMP-4; VEGF- IL-3, IL-6 hIPSCs NA 4–10% No First time complete differentiation of hiPSCs cells into definitive erythrocytes capable of maturation up to enucleated RBCs (fetal hemoglobin in a functional tetrameric form) Lapillonne et al., 2010
hESCs(H1I) 46 days 4.4 × 108 52–66%
hESCs 35 × 108
11 Cord blood 33 days SCF, IL-3, EPO hydrocortisone No 2.25 × 108 −500 units/UCB >90% No First serum-free culture, first demonstration of RBC culture in a large-scale bioreactor Timmins et al., 2011
12 Cord blood 18 days SCF, EPO hydrocortisone No 4.3 × 107 75/CB 70% Yes Best yield to date Giarratana et al., 2011
13 hiPSCs 59 days Hydrocortisone, IL-3 BMP-4, Flt3L, SCF, EPO, IGF-1 hMSCs/Matrigel. 0.5–8 × 106 NA NA Yes Production of large number of erythroid cells with embryonic and fetal-like characteristics regardless of the age of donor tissue Chang et al., 2011
hTERT immortalized fetal liver cells
14 hESCs hiPSCs 60–125 days Iron saturated transferrin, dexamethasone, insulin, SCF, EPO, TPO, IL-3, IL-6 MEFs, mOP9 mMS-5 2 × 105 ESCs NA 2–10% Yes RBCs production from transgenic and transgene-free iPSCs using the OP9 coculture method with efficiency comparable to hESCs Dias et al., 2011
15 hiPSCs 52 days holo-human transferrin recombinant human insulin heparin, and 5% human plasma SCF, TPO, FLT3 ligand, BMP4, VEGF- n-3, IL-Epo MEFs 15–28.3 × 108 NA 20–26% RBC and 74–80% orthochromatic erythroblasts 5–10% Hu plasma First time in a normal and a pathological erythropoietic differentiation models that hiPSC are intrinsically able to mature into adult hemoglobin synthesizing cells Kobari et al., 2012