Differences between previous RT-NA complexes and our RT-RNA/DNA structures.
(a) All RT-NA structrues previously reported are similar
2 and represented here
by the RT-DNA-dATP ternary complex (PDB:3KK2 6) in the polymerization mode. Human RNase H1-RNA/DNA
structure (PDB: 2QK9 3) is
superimposed onto the RNase H domain of p66 (colored in orange) with the active
site highlighted in yellow. The RNA/DNA hybrid from the human RNase H1 complex
is shown in red and blue as labeled. The part of the DNA (colored light and dark
green) in 3KK2 that overlaps with the RNA/DNA hybrid borrowed from the human
RNase H1 complex is shown in semi-transparecy for clarity. When one DNA observed
in 3KK2 (light green) and the DNA modeled into the RNase H active site (blue)
are connected, the second DNA strand in 3KK2 (dark green) is 14Å from
the RNA strand (red) positioned for cleavage by RNase H. (b) In all
three of our RT-RNA/DNA hybrid structures, represented here by 4B3O, the RNA/DNA
hybrid (purple and cyan, respectively) are A-form, where basepairs are tilted
relative to the helical axis rather than perpendicular as in the B-form, and can
be connected with the RNA/DNA hybrid in the RNase H active site with minor
adjustment. Therefore we suggest that our RT-RNA/DNA complex structures
represent the mode compatible with RNA degradation.