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. 2014 Oct 23;9(10):e109796. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109796

Table 1. DEB parameters and values.

Symbol Description Value Unit
TA Arrhenius temperature 7022 K
[Inline graphic M] Volume-specific maintenance costs 11.6 J d−1 cm−3
[Em] Maximum storage density 1438 J cm−3
[EG] Specific cost for structure 5993 J cm−3
κ Fraction of reserves spent on somatic growth and maintenance 0.67 -
δ Shape parameter 0.297
{Inline graphic Rm} Maximum surface area specific clearance rate 96 L d−1 cm−2
{Inline graphic aF} Algal max. s.a. specific filtration rate 0.00048 mol C d−1m−2
{Inline graphic iF} Inorganic material max. s.a. specific filtration rate 3.5 g d−1 cm−2
ρa Algal binding probability 0.99 -
ρi Inorganic material binding probability 0.4 -
Inline graphic aI Algal max. ingestion rate 13000 mol C d−1
Inline graphic iI Inorganic material maximum ingestion rate 0.11 g d−1
C Conversion factor 697000 mol J−1
AE Assimilation efficiency 0.75 -

Values were taken from Saraiva (2011a) and adapted to allow different food proxies.