Figure 3.
Breath density graph for relative trigger (Y-axis) and cycling-off (X-axis) errors, for all breaths in all patients, during each ventilator mode. The small white ‘box’ in the center of each graph indicates the limit between synchrony (neural efforts matched to assist delivery with less than 20% error - inside the box) and dyssynchrony (neural efforts poorly related to assist delivery, >20% error - outside the box). These breath-density graphs show for NIV-NAVA a concentrated breath density in the center, which should be anticipated since it is driven by EAdi. With NIV-PSVVision and NIV-PSVServo-I breaths are more spread out and have considerable proportions of dyssynchronous breaths compared to NIV-NAVA. NAVA: neurally adjusted ventilatory assist; NIV: non-invasive ventilation; PSV: pressure support ventilation.