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. 2014 Jan 21;99(2):363–384. doi: 10.1210/jc.2013-1891

Table 3.

Genetic Diagnosis to Detect the Individual Molecular Basis of CH

Thyroid Morphology, as Assessed by Ultrasonography and/or Scintigraphy Family History
Consanguinity or Siblings/Cousins With CH Parents With CH
Isolated CH Normally located thyroid with normal perchlorate discharge test TSH-R (if hypoplasia), TG (if goiter, low TG level) PAX8
Normally located thyroid with abnormal perchlorate discharge test (ie, iodide organification defects) TPO, DUOX2/DUOXA2 +/− TG
Normally located thyroid on ultrasonography, with no iodide uptake on scintigraphy SCL5A5/NIS, TSH-R (if hypoplasia)
Syndromic CH
    Deafness Normally located thyroid SCL26A4/PDS
    Short stature, obesity, hypocalcemia Normally located thyroid GNAS
    Cleft palate, “spiky” hair Athyreosis (hypoplasia) FOXE1 (no mutations described in patients with ectopic or normally sized and sited thyroid gland to date)
    Kidney agenesis or any malformation of the genitourinary tract Athyreosis, ectopic thyroid gland, normally located thyroid +/− hypoplasia PAX8 PAX8
    Choreoathetosis or neurological disease Normally located thyroid, hypoplasia (athyreosis) NKX2–1 (no mutations described in ectopic cases so far) NKX2–1
    Lung disorders (surfactant deficiency syndrome at term, interstitial lung disease) Normally located thyroid, hypoplasia (athyreosis) NKX2–1 (no mutations described in ectopic cases so far) NKX2–1
    Cardiac defects Ectopy (athyreosis) NKX2–5 NKX2–5