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. 2014 Sep 10;289(43):29677–29690. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.596049


N-Linked glycans on recombinant human TFF2 constructs expressed in HEK-293 cells

Glycans with masses in boldface were demonstrated by MS/MS to express terminal LacdiNAc, fucosylated LacdiNAc, or sialinated LacdiNAc. M+Na, M+Na-32, and M+Na-54 molecular ion species shown in Figs. 4 and 6 are listed as M+Na. Semiquantitative data from MALDI-MS of permethylated glycans are presented as ++ (major, base peak), + (>5% of base-peak intensity), (+), (minor species with <5% of base-peak intensity).

Exp. rel. mass M+Na (m/z) Glycan hTFF2 constructs
Fl N-P1 C-P2*(D87N) N-P1 (W68Q/F59Q) FL-(C52G) Fl-(C42G)a
1526.1 H5N2 ++
1730.2 H6N2 ++
1934.3 H7N2 +
2138.5 H8N2 +
2342.6 H9N2 +
2214.3 F2H4N4 + +
2430.8 S1H5N4 +
2459.4 F2H4N5 + +
2500.4 F2H3N6 + + + +
2633.5 F3H4N5 + (+) + (+)
2674.5 F3H3N6 ++ ++ ++ +
2791.9 S2H5N4 (+) ++ +
2820.6 S1F2H4N5 + + +
2861.6 S1F2H3N6 + + +
2994.6 S1F3H4N5 (+) (+)
3164.8 F3H3N8 + + (+)
3242.0 S2H6N5 (+) +
3310.8 S1F2H4N7 (+) + +
3417.1 S2F1H6N5 (+)
3484.9 S1F3H4N7 (+) (+) +
3602.1 S3H6N5 (+) ++ +
3866.2 S2F1H7N6 (+)
3963.2 S4H6N5 + (+)

a Only two major glycan species were detectable as sample amounts of Fl-(C42G) were significantly lower than those of other TFF2 probes.