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. 2014 Sep 11;289(43):30177–30188. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.595850



Hepatic Mogat1 inhibition does not result in histological improvement of steatohepatitis. A, H&E- and trichrome-stained liver sections from mice fed an LF or HTF-C diet and treated with control or Mogat1 ASOs. B, graphs depict results of NAS by a histopathologist blinded to treatment group. Data points represent individual mice, and averages (open boxes) for each group are also shown. Steatosis grading was done on low to medium power evaluation of parenchymal involvement by steatosis (0 for <5%, 1 for 5–33%, 2 for 33–66%, and 3 for more than 66%). Inflammation was graded by overall assessment of all inflammatory foci on a ×200 field (0 for no foci, 1 for <2, 2 for 2–4 foci, and 3 for >4 foci). Ballooning score was 0 for no ballooned cells per field, 1 for few, and 2 for many. Fibrosis was graded 0 for no fibrosis, 1 for perisinusoidal or periportal/portal, 2 for perisinusoidal and periportal/portal, 3 for bridging fibrosis, and 4 for cirrhosis. NAS is the sum of steatosis, inflammation, and ballooning scores. C, plasma ALT and AST concentrations are shown. U/L, units/liter. *, p < 0.05 versus LF. Error bars, S.E.