Across-glomerular pattern similarities. (A) The pattern similarity evoked by different concentrations (0.5, 1, and 1.5 log-units difference) of the same retronasal odor for response magnitude (dF/F) and dynamic parameters (start, t10, t50, t90, tpeak and rise time) averaged across four rats. rand: pattern similarities based on identically processed random control data. Response magnitude patterns are well preserved across concentrations, but temporal patterns are not when the concentration difference is 10× or more (*one-sided paired t-test for mean > 0, P < 0.00065, n = 16–50 correlations based on 103 glomeruli of four rats boldfaced in Table 1A). (B) t90 of glomeruli with slowest t90 versus fastest t90 quartile at 1% v.p. and their t90 difference. These dynamics (296 ms difference) are only mildly preserved at 0.3% v.p. with a 96 ms difference (*one-sided paired t-test for mean difference > 0, P < 0.001, n = 16–17 mean t90 values of 4–5 odors of same four rats) and not at 3 or 10% v.p. (C) The response magnitude and dynamic pattern similarity evoked by same concentrations (0.3–10%) across different retronasal odors averaged across four rats. Dynamics for one retronasal odor are poor predictors of those for another retronasal odor (*one-sided paired t-test for mean > 0, P < 0.00065, n = 25–28 correlations of 4–5 odors of same 103 glomeruli of four rats as in A). (D) Pattern similarity for 0.5-log spaced concentrations (same as in A) compared to pattern similarities across orthonasally and retronasally presented odorants at 4% v.p. based on a new analysis of a previously published dataset (Gautam and Verhagen, 2012b; n = 9 rats; *one-sided paired t-test for mean > 0, P < 10-4, n = 70 correlations from 150 glomeruli from 9 rats, 4–8 odors and air per rat; #one-sided unpaired t-test for 4% ortho-retro > 0.5 log, P < 0.02, n = 4 and nine rats, response; all others ns). Late dynamic patterns are fairly similar between the two odor routes, and more so than across retronasal odors that differ by 0.5 log % v.p. concentration.