Changes in A, thermal comfort, B, thermal sensation, and C, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) across the pre-bath and cycling protocol for each of the 4 trials: NP + NF, no precooling, no fan airflow during exercise (• closed circles); NP + F, no precooling, with fan airflow during exercise (○ open circles); P + NF, precooling, no fan airflow (▴ closed triangles); P + F, both precooling and fan airflow (▵ open triangles). Data are means ± SD. a Indicates difference among all data points across all trials; b NP + NF different from P + F; c NP + NF different from P + NF; d NP + F different from P + F; e NP + F different from P + NF; f Significant interaction between variables; g NP + NF different from all other trials; h P + NF different from P + F (P < .05).