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. 2014 Jul-Sep;18(3):e2014.00058. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2014.00058

Table 1.

Characteristics of Gynecologic Laparoscopies (2000–2012)

Age [mean (range)] (y) 35.81 (11–85)
Age group [n (%)]
    <30 y 783 (27.1)
    30–64 y 2010 (69.6)
    >64 y 52 (1.8)
Morbid obesity [n (%)] 51 (1.8)
Prior surgery [n (%)] 455 (15.8)
Period of study [n (%)]
    2000–2002 616 (21.3)
    2003–2005 853 (29.5)
    2006–2008 750 (26)
    2009–2012 669 (23.2)
Level of technical difficulty [n (%)]
    Simple 1074 (37.20)
    Tubal ligation 887 (30.70)
    Diagnostic laparoscopy 157 (5.40)
    Laparoscopy and biopsy 16 (0.60)
    Coagulation 14 (0.50)
    Moderate 1564 (54.20)
    Unilateral adnexectomy 298 (10.30)
    Bilateral adnexectomy 151 (5.20)
    Salpingectomy 294 (10.20)
    Cystectomy 754 (26.10)
    Tubal plasty 6 (0.20)
    Adhesiolysis 41 (1.40)
    Ovarian drilling 5 (0.20)
    IUDa removal 15 (0.50)
    Complex 249 (8.60)
    Subtotal hysterectomy 38 (1.30)
    Total hysterectomy 104 (3.60)
    LAVHa 69 (2.40)
    Myomectomy 38 (1.30)
Hospital stay [mean (range)] (d) 1.42 (0–33)
Length of hospital stay [n (%)]
    0–2 d 2443 (84.60)
    3–7 d 390 (13.50)
    >7 d 37 (1.30)

IUD = intrauterine device; LAVH = laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.